A Church For All People

Service Times

       Sunday Mornings 11:00am
Wednesday Evenings 6:00pm 

Would You Know God if You Saw Him?

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John McLemore

John 4:1-42, 20:1-18; Judges 6:31-40

Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:13-14 NIV

— Todo el que beba de esta agua volverá a tener sed — respondió Jesú s— pero el que beba del agua que yo le daré no volverá a tener sed jamás, sino que dentro de él esa agua se convertirá en un manantial del que brotará vida eterna. Juan 4:13-14 NVI

Only A Holy God

CCLI #7073332 | Jonny Robinson, Rich Thompson, Dustin Smith, and Michael Farren

© 2016



Give Thanks

CCLI #20285 | Henry Smith

© 1978 | Faithfulness, Thankfulness

Dad Gracias

CCLI Song # 5781931 | Henry Smith

© 1978 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music (Admin. por Capitol CMG Publishing (Integrity Music, David C Cook)

Thank You Lord

CCLI #16763 | Bessie Sykes and Seth Sykes

© 1940, | Thankfulness, Praise, Testimony

Amazing Grace

CCLI #22025 | John P. Rees, Edwin Othello Excell, and John Newton

Public Domain | Deliverance, Leadership, Redemption, Love, Praise, Adoration, Assurance, Salvation, Grace, Testimony

Gracia Admirable

Letra, estrofas 1-3, John Newton, 1779; estrofa 4, autor anómino.  Música AMAZING GRACE, Virginia Harmony, 1831; arr., Edwin O. Excell, 1900.  Tr., Adolfo Robleto, 1977.  ©Copyright 1978 Casa Bautista de Publicaciones.  Todos los drechos reservados.  Amparado por los derechos de copyright international.


In The Garden

CCLI #62858 | Charles Austin Miles

Public Domain | Fellowship, Resurrection, Trust, Assurance


Count Your Blessings

CCLI #40416 | Edwin Othello Excell and Johnson Oatman

Public Domain | Courage, Thankfulness, Blessing, Comfort


I Am Thine O Lord

CCLI #25424 | William Howard Doane and Fanny Jane Crosby

Public Domain | Aspiration, Devotion, Prayer


Belmont Baptist Church subscribes to Christian Copyright Licensing International with copyright license #227507 Size B, streaming license #20851412 Size B, and rehearsal license #20851405 Size B which gives permission for use and streaming of all songs in this video.