A Church For All People

Service Times

       Sunday Mornings 11:00am
Wednesday Evenings 6:00pm 

Whose Fault Is It?

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John McLemore

Genesis 1:26, 2:15-18, 3:1-13; 1 Samuel 16:7; Acts 13:22; 2 Samuel 12:1-15; 1 John 1:9; Hebrews 10:22-23; 2 Chronicles 7:14

After removing Saul, he made David their king. God testified concerning him: “I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.” Acts 13:22 NIV

Tras destituir a Saúl, les puso por rey a David, de quien dio este testimonio: “He encontrado en David, hijo de Isaí, un hombre conforme a mi corazón; él realizará todo lo que yo quiero”. Hechos 13:22 NVI

Come As You Are

CCLI #7017790 | Ben Glover, David Crowder, and Matt Maher

© 2014


His Mercy Is More

CCLI #7065053 | Matt Boswell and Matt Papa

© 2016


How Firm A Foundation

CCLI #107816 | Unknown

Public Domain | Assurance, Foundation, Refuge, Truth, Word of God


Leaning On The Everlasting Arms

CCLI #31779 | Elisha Albright Hoffman, Anthony J. Showalter, and Anthony Johnson Showalter

Public Domain | Assurance, Comfort, Dependence, Fellowship, Testimony, Trust

Dulce Comunión

Letra, Elisha A. Hoffman, 1887.  Tr., Pedro Grado.  Música SHOWALTER, Anthony J. Showalter, 1887.  Usado con permiso.


All Hail The Power Of Jesus Name

CCLI #25400 | Oliver Holden, Edward Perronet, and John (adapt) Rippon

Public Domain | Adoration, Christ, Eternal Life, God’s Attributes, Gospel, Grace, Jesus, Lordship Of Jesus, Majesty, Name Of Jesus, Power, Praise, Worship

Loores Dad a Cristo el Rey

Letra, Edward Perronet, 1779; adap., John Rippon, 1787.  Tr., T. M. Westrup.  Música CORONATION CORONATION, Oliver Holden, 1792.  Usado con permiso.



CCLI #5124055 | Philip Wickham and Phil Wickham

© 2007 | lead me, point of difference, , Declaration, Worship


Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

CCLI #15960 | Helen H. Lemmel

© 1922 | Adoration, Encouragement, Evangelism, Glory, Grace, Jesus, Light, Praise, Trials

Pon Tus Ojos en Cristo

Letry y música LEMMEL, Helen H. Lemmel, 1918.  Tr., C. P. Denyer.  ©Copyright 1922.  Renovado 1950 H. H. Lemmel.  Asignado a Singspration, Inc.  Tr. y arr. ©Copyright 1966 Singspiration, Inc.  Todos los derechos reservados.  Usado con permiso.


Belmont Baptist Church subscribes to Christian Copyright Licensing International with copyright license #227507 Size B, streaming license #20851412 Size B, and rehearsal license #20851405 Size B which gives permission for use and streaming of all songs in this video.