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John McLemore
Ephesians 4:1-32, John 6:44
We apologize for the sound problems from about the 44 to 56 minute mark.
“You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires…” Ephesians 4:22 NIV
“Con respecto a la vida que antes llevaban, se les enseñó que debían quitarse el ropaje de la vieja naturaleza, la cual está corrompida por los deseos engañosos…” Efesios 4:22 NVI
His Mercy Is More
CCLI #7065053 | Matt Boswell and Matt Papa
© 2016
Lord I Lift Your Name On High
CCLI #117947 | Rick Founds
© 1989 | Exalt, Gospel, Men, Samaritan, , Declaration, Praise, Testimony
Nothing But The Blood (Plainfield)
CCLI #21332 | Robert Lowry
Public Domain | Atonement, Blood, Cleansing, Forgiveness, Hope, Jesus, Power, Redemption, Righteousness, Sacrifice, Salvation, Sin, Wholeness
¿Qué Me Puede Dar Perdón?
Basado en Hebreos 9:22. Letra y música PLAINFIELD, Robert Lowry, 1876. Tr., H. W. Cragin.
Lord I Need You
CCLI #5925687 | Daniel Carson, Matt Maher, Christy Nockels, and Jesse Reeves
© 2011 | Confession, Declaration, Praise, Worship
His Eye Is On The Sparrow
CCLI #77692 | Charles Hutchinson Gabriel and Civilla Durfee Martin
Public Domain | , Comfort, Guidance, Assurance
¿Cómo Podré Estar Triste?
Letra y música SPARROW, Charles H. Gabriel. Tr., Vicente Mendoza.
Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart
CCLI #98523 | Lelia Naylor Morris
Public Domain | Admonition, Trust, Salvation