A Church For All People

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       Sunday Mornings 11:00am
Wednesday Evenings 6:00pm 

Good News — Bad News

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“Good News – Bad News”

John McLemore

John 12:37-50; Revelation 9:13-21; John 14:6; Romans 3:23, 6:23, 5:8, 10:13, 10:9-10; 2 Chronicles 7:14-15; 2 Timothy 3:1-5; 1 Timothy 4:1-2; Matthew 24:10-13; Galatians 5:16; Jude 20-23

“The rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands…” Revelation 9:20a NIV

“El resto de la humanidad, los que no murieron a causa de estas plagas, tampaco se arrepintieron de sus malas acciones…” Apocalipsis 9:20a NVI

His Mercy Is More

CCLI #7065053 | Matt Boswell and Matt Papa

© 2016


At The Cross

CCLI #29499 | Ralph E. Hudson and Isaac Watts

Public Domain | Assurance, Communion, Consecration, Cross, Good Friday, Grace, Light, Repentance

En la Cruz

Letra, estrofas, Isaac Watts; coro, Ralph E. Hudson, 1885.  Tr., Pedro Grado.  Musica HUDSON, Ralph E. Hudson, 1885.  Usado con permiso. 


Victory In Jesus

CCLI #1259 | Eugene M. Bartlett

© 1939 | Victory, Assurance, Testimony

Victoria en Cristo

Letra y musica HARTFORD, E. M. Bartlett, 1939 Copyright 1939 E.M. Bartlett.  Copyright 1967 Sta. E. M. Bartlett.  Renovado.  Asignado a Albert E. Brumley e jihos.  Tr., H. T. Reza.  Usado con permiso.


Blessed Assurance

CCLI #22324 | Fanny Jane Crosby and Phoebe Palmer Knapp

Public Domain | Adoration, Assurance, Testimony

En Jesucristo, el Rey de Paz

Letra, Fanny J. Crosby, 1873.  Tr., E. A. Monfort Diaz.  Musica ASSURANCE, Phoebe P. Knapp, 1873.  Usado con permiso. 


Oh, How I Love Jesus

CCLI #2648613 | Frederick Whitfield

Public Domain


Only Trust Him

CCLI #705098 | John H. Stockton and Tina English

© 1988

Escucha, Amigo, al Senor

Letra y musica STOCKTON, John H. Stockton, c. 1873.  Tr., H. G. Jackson.  Usado con permiso.


Belmont Baptist Church subscribes to SongSelect (account #1618919) with copyright license #227507 Size B which gives permission for use of all songs in this video.

We experienced technical difficulties — the video picks up with Victory in Jesus.