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John McLemore
Luke 2:1-20; Matthew 2:1-12; Romans 8:28-39
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 NIV
Ahora bien, sabemos que Dios dispone todas las cosas para el bien de quienes lo aman,[a] los que han sido llamados de acuerdo con su propósito. Romanos 8:28 NVI
O Come All Ye Faithful
CCLI #31054 | C. Frederick Oakeley and John Francis Wade
Public Domain | another chance, Jesus loves me, Seasonal, Christmas, Praise, Adoration
The First Noel
CCLI #31047 |
Public Domain | Christmas, Seasonal
La Noticia sin Igual
Letra y música THE FIRST NOWELL, villancico tradicional inglés. Tr., Adolfo Robleto. Tr. ©Copyright 1978 Casa Bautista de Publicaciones. Todos los derechos reservados. Amparado por los derechos de copyright international. Usado con permiso.
O Little Town Of Bethlehem
CCLI #27879 | Phillips Brooks and Lewis Henry Redner
Public Domain | Christmas, o little town of Bethlehem, Seasonal
¡Oh Aldehuela de Belen!
Letra, Phillips Brooks, 1868. Es traducción. Música ST. LOUIS, Lewis Redner, 1868. Usado con permiso.
Silent Night (Stille Nacht)
CCLI #27862 | Franz Xaver Gruber, John Freeman Young, and Joseph Mohr
Public Domain | Seasonal, Christmas, Peace
Noche de Paz
Letra, himno en alemán, Joseph Mohr, 1818. Es traducción. Música STILLE NACHT, Franz Gruber, 1818. Usado con permiso.
Mary Did You Know
CCLI #839225 | Buddy Greene and Mark Lowry
© 1991, | Mary Did You Know?, Advent
Softly And Tenderly
CCLI #28380 | Will Lamartine Thompson
Public Domain | Calling, Eternal Life, Invitation, Love, Mercy, Pardon, Repentance, Salvation
Cuan Tiernamente Jesus Hoy Nos Llama
Letra y música THOMPSON, Will L. Thompson, 1880. Tr., Pedro Grado. Adap., H. C. Ball. Usado con permiso.
Belmont Baptist Church subscribes to Christian Copyright Licensing International with copyright license #227507 Size B, streaming license #20851412 Size B, and rehearsal license #20851405 Size B which gives permission for use and streaming of all songs in this video.